Problem with vts trim/ problema vts

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New Member
My problem is that the VTS has been hooked at the greatest inclination, it does not descend, the engine runs try to lower but does not. The engine works in both directions and I don't know what else to try, I've looked at everything. Anyone know what can it be?

Mi problema es que el vts se ha quedado enganchado en la mayor inclinación, no desciende, el motor funciona intenta bajar pero no lo hace. El motor funciona en las dos direcciones y no sé qué más probar, he mirado todo. Alguien sabe que puede ser?
The issue isn’t the motor, it’s the brain box in the VTS that controls the up and down and the end limits. Once they go out you can’t fix them. You can either replace the entire unit or google “TrimFix”.
But I have changed the module of vts and it does the same, until a new keypad I have tried ... And it does the same is very rare ... Also if I move the magnet it marks the position well that is what makes trim limit works the Propeller position signal points well. I have tried everything or I have come to think that it is the switchboard .. That pin is broken or something but it seems very far-fetched ... Thanks for answering ... Do you have any suggestions? Greetings
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