Pretty Good Labor Day Weekend

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Took the two skis down to Panama City for the Labor Day Weekend. Overall it was a fun weekend. Put in Saturday at Millville, rode over to Palmetto Point, and then swam and rode until sundown. Sunday we joined what I believe to be EVERYONE in Florida going to St. Andrews State Park. We put in and rode over to Shell Island, set up a canopy, tried out the new anchoring system (tired of dragging beached skis), and skiied again until sundown. Between all the work I managed to relax a little, and snapped a nice pic of the skis riding at anchor. Hope everyone else had a fun weekend on the water also.
Right on my Friend.

The more pictures the better. Being kind of isolated up here I really enjoy seeing the adventures people are having.
That's really cool. We took the boat out to the Delaware river. We put in at Neshanamy state park, rode down river to Penn's Landing in Philadelphia. Continued around down towards Philadelphia international airport, went in by the Navy yard and up the Schuylkill (Skoo-kill) river. Up thru the city and to the dam at Boat house row. We're right there at the Water Works and behind the Philadelphia art museum. I've been wanting to do this ride for years, I've never seen boats up this part of the river, of course the day we go there was 5 boats. The Delaware is a tidal river so in the 1800's they built this dam to keep the brackish water from entering the fresh water which I guess supplied the city their water.

Dude... need a picture of the anchoring system. Looks like it works pretty good !!
The anchoring system is a 10 lb collapsible anchor, 50 feet of doubled 1/4" line, tied to a mooring ball. Each ski clips into a loop on the mooring ball and has 7 feet of line. It seems to work pretty well, but rides a looong way from the anchor. Whole system fits underneath the storage buckets.
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