Pop Off Test

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New Member
So I rebuilt my carbs this year.. I put the SAME spring color in them that was in there before. Is it necessary to do a pop off pressure test? I would think that they are fine since its the same as before. What exactly does that test do and tell anyways?
problem with that is, is that, yeah they're the SAME color, but NOT the same "gram'.

The stock spring, in your application, is around 70/80gram, where the one you installed is 95gram.

Springs dont go bad, unless they're rusted or tweeked by "misude" in rebuilding. So, i'd re-install the stock ones. If you dont have tthem, then install the "black" spring (80gm), this will put you within range of the stock ones.
Now, I should mention that the carbs have been rebuilt before, and they had larger sized jets in them, larger needle and seat as well. They had the 2.0 instead of the 1.5s that were sopposed to be in there. They had the silver spring. In the rebuilt kit there were two spring sizes he sent, one silver and one brownish color? So I put the silver ones back in there..

So, what do you think?
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