M2 240EFI Engine Intake Filter

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Active Member
Hi guys,

Anyone know the part number for the intake filter for the M2 240EFI? All I can find is the part number for the engine cover assembly which is 880194T05 and I just want the filter.

I got the fuel filters but there is seriously no air filter on these engines?? Thats hard to believe.. There looks to be a space on the cover for it..
The carb'ed engines got an intake silencer to reduce noise.

The EFI engines got nothing. No marine flame arrester either.
Thanks for the info. After some more digging, looks like a lot of boats with inboards don't run filters since there isn't any dust on the ocean haha

Still hard to believe coming from the car world but I guess that's the norm.

Thanks again!
Thanks for the info. After some more digging, looks like a lot of boats with inboards don't run filters since there isn't any dust on the ocean haha

Still hard to believe coming from the car world but I guess that's the norm.

Thanks again!

Actually, there is plenty of dust on the ocean. From the Sahara desert. I live on the east coast and you can see it on your car.

Inboard 4-stroke engines are required to have a backfire flame arrester. Looks like an air filter that is way too small for the engine. Made of metal baffles.
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