Explorer Hypalon Tubset

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New Member
Does anyone know if the Explorer series 93-98(?) used the same tubeset? I find that the 95-96 share the same part #, but no info on 93-94, etc.
I understand that the graphics changed, but are the tubsets interchangable for all years?
Thx for any help!
Ryan, welcome to the forum.

I called around for you and unfortunally it seems like that will be hard to get a hold of. The part number for the 1993 tubeset is 292000164, and the 1998 is 292000201. I'm told they are both discontinued items.
Thanks Joe,
Actually, I understand that they may be impossible to get from the factory, but my thoughts were of using a damaged 93 tubeset as a template to make generic tubesets for other years, including my tired 95. This would only work if the other years shared the same generic tubeset. It makes sence that they would be the same. I understand that year to year changes in graphics may account for different years tubeset part numbers being different.
Ok I understand your problem. Calling around, no one seemed to know if they were the same tubeset with different part numbers or not. Worst case, could always try and spend a few hundred to see.
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