Antifreeze - Rainbow of Choices 219700362

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Read challenger 210 na 155s manual, searched forum, even phoned Recochem but no luck so far with coolant selection, help appreciated. Manual states ethylene-glycol for aluminium motors. Recochem states more to it than that and there should be a "specification" provided by the manufacturer (other than ASTM / JIS). Checked manual again, checked BRP's coolant... nada.

Blue, Pink, Yellow, are all aluminium compatible and same ASTM / JIS standards. Recochem sells two pinks: (1) Silicate, borate, nitrite and amine free; and, (2) Low silicate OAT. Nitrite, amine and phosphate (NAP) free. The later is marketed for Audi, VW, Porsche - geographically closest to Rotax :)

Forum recommends "green" and "purple", neither are part of their rainbow. About to go the universal (aluminium) route, however, Recochem is 20% off this week. Suggestions?
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With a bit more research found that BRP's is silicate free. Green wasn't an option but "Honda" was for aluminum, silicate & phosphate free so went that route.
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