96xp no power

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Hey all. Rolled the ski out yesterday and started it up. I revved the motor and then it dies. Try to start again and it’s got no power to anything. No gauges no beep no start. I put in a new battery at the end of season and kept a tender on it over winter. Even started it a few times over the winter. Not sure what to do other than check for a blown fuse just need a starting place. Thanks.
Yeah, you need to pull out the multimeter and start figuring out what’s going on. The first thing is to check your battery voltage. If you’ve got a good battery, then start checking your ground. I have a feeling that’s where your problem is...

Pulled this out of the back and the box was full of water. Lot of corrosion. I was able to jump the solenoid with a screwdriver and engine turned over. Replaced a few terminals and cleaned the fuses(they had not blown) gonna let it dry out then hook it all back up and see what happens.
Well...anything to report?

Clean up all your connections...clean, bright and tight. Give some special attention to the top connector too to the electric box....corrosion has a tendency to build up on those pin connections and you'll be DOA. Some spray contact cleaner or a little scrubbing with baking soda/water solution with a toothbrush and compressed air to clean out the crud doesn't hurt. Try not to enlarge the pin connection holes either.
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