96 XP Revival

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+1 on the Starbrite with PTFE. I use it on the Speedster and it turns out great!

Here’s what is probably a dumb question, but I’m sure one of you guys has the answer! The aftermarket flame arrestors are Ocean Pro Vortex’s, and I’ve got the caps and mesh filters off, but I can’t figure out for the life of me how these adapters/bases are fastened to the carbs! See the pic below. I assumed the studs were either threaded into the carbs or the base would slide off of the studs, but they just don’t want to turn and I can’t tap it off. I’m hoping to pull the carbs without having to hack up an Allen wrench to get into the tight spot here, but I guess I will unless someone knows a trick...33FCF485-C9AC-47EE-85FF-538E9888326D.jpeg
+1 on the Starbrite with PTFE. I use it on the Speedster and it turns out great!

Here’s what is probably a dumb question, but I’m sure one of you guys has the answer! The aftermarket flame arrestors are Ocean Pro Vortex’s, and I’ve got the caps and mesh filters off, but I can’t figure out for the life of me how these adapters/bases are fastened to the carbs! See the pic below. I assumed the studs were either threaded into the carbs or the base would slide off of the studs, but they just don’t want to turn and I can’t tap it off. I’m hoping to pull the carbs without having to hack up an Allen wrench to get into the tight spot here, but I guess I will unless someone knows a trick...View attachment 39642
No expert but any chance those studs screw out? looks like they do in my eyes
+1 on the Starbrite with PTFE. I use it on the Speedster and it turns out great!

Here’s what is probably a dumb question, but I’m sure one of you guys has the answer! The aftermarket flame arrestors are Ocean Pro Vortex’s, and I’ve got the caps and mesh filters off, but I can’t figure out for the life of me how these adapters/bases are fastened to the carbs! See the pic below. I assumed the studs were either threaded into the carbs or the base would slide off of the studs, but they just don’t want to turn and I can’t tap it off. I’m hoping to pull the carbs without having to hack up an Allen wrench to get into the tight spot here, but I guess I will unless someone knows a trick...View attachment 39642

Been quite a few years since i had a set of ocean pros, but i believe 2 of the studs unscrew on each carb that hold adapters on. Looks like its time for some new fuel lines also
That’s what I thought, but I can’t get enough of a grip on them to get them to turn. I’ve put two nuts on the end and tried that route without any luck as well. I’m going to soak them in PB blaster and see if they’ll break loose in the morning. Thank you guys for the help!
That’s what I thought, but I can’t get enough of a grip on them to get them to turn. I’ve put two nuts on the end and tried that route without any luck as well. I’m going to soak them in PB blaster and see if they’ll break loose in the morning. Thank you guys for the help!
You got a heat gun?
I do have a heat gun. I’ll try that along with the electrical tape (a great idea that I hadn’t even considered). The vice grips aren’t getting enough grip to break them loose. I’ll go at it with a little more gusto in the morning now that I know they should come out.

As for the fuel lines, those are the last remaining tempo lines in the ski. I figured they’d be much easier to swap out with the carbs on the workbench. I’ve emptied the tank as well. I’m hoping I can get the carbs cleaned and lines swapped tomorrow and then we will see if the MPEM is programmed to the key I had, and if the motor will run. If I can get it to fire, I’ll go ahead and order carb kits from OSD and rebuild them. I hate to be cheap, but I just ordered four carb kits for the Speedster and two more for my 95XP. I’m sure I’ll have enough parts to get this one going.
You think maybe wrapping some electrical tape would help with the protection of it just for safe measures?

The electrical tape was the key! It added just enough grip to get the studs broke loose. It’s wasn't easy, and I think that may be reason enough alone to go back to a stock airbox, but they are free!
And the verdict is... Stock jets. I’m going to have to search eBay for a stock flame arrestor and airbox. The good news is the carbs look super clean, especially for it having the old grey fuel lines on it. The bad news is there’s no telling how long it was run with these Ocean Pro’s and factory jetting... I’m beginning to think this motor is a lost cause, but we will see. I’ve seen some pretty neglected stuff come back to life.
These hose barbs on the carb did not have anything connected to them when I pulled the carbs. I’m assuming they were part of a primer kit that’s no longer on the ski, but I figured one of you guys would know. It looks like the same size line as the oil injection.94851B65-5CE6-4528-807A-B6E116B75E6D.jpeg
Well I got the barbs figured out. They were for the primer kit that had lines so old and brittle that they were in about a hundred little pieces in the bottom of the hull.

On a good note, I got the carbs cleaned yesterday and everything put back together. With fresh gas in it, it runs! Not only did it fire up and idle, it actually did so smoothly without much trouble at all... I was planning to take the 95 out for the first time anyway, so I hauled this one down and put it in the water as well. I was able to put around on it for ten minutes or so, and it ran great! It never died at all, and it seems to be pretty solid. I didn’t open it up since it’s still got those flame arrestors on it until the airbox gets delivered, but I’m thrilled that it’s a running, moving ski! Now I can get to the cosmetics while I wait to get everything else for it and not feel like I’m wasting time on a ski with a junk motor! I did notice that the VTS is dead though. It feels like the switch is bad, as I can feel a detent on the down button but the up button is solid. Does anyone make replacement switches, or do I need to just search for a used one?
Well I went ahead and ordered a whole new switch assembly since I found an inexpensive used one and needed to replace the start stop button cover as well. Hopefully that will fix the VTS, but we will see. I’ll do some troubleshooting in the meantime.

I’m working on stripping decals and doing some gel coat restoration now, and I have a few deep scratches and touches to deal with, but none of them appear to need fiberglass repair. Since they appear black, my initial thought is to use some of the yellow paint that I’m spraying the hood with to color in the low spots, and then they should be less noticeable after I wet sand and buff, as I think the scratches are deep enough that I won’t strip the paint back off buffing. I know I should use gelcoat to do this, but it’s not readily available in the right color from what I can tell. Does anyone have any opinions on whether this is worth even attempting or a waste of time?
I’m looking at seat covers now. I see Jet Trim has a hump cover, a spike cover, and a standard cover for the XP. Does the hump cover come with a foam insert, or was there a hump seat available from the factory on some models that it would need to go on. Their website is pretty terrible, and has almost no information, but everyone gives them great reviews... I’m also looking at the Hydro Turf custom covers. They seem to have some nice non slip options.
Their website is pretty terrible, and has almost no information, but everyone gives them great reviews... I’m also looking at the Hydro Turf custom covers. They seem to have some nice non slip options.

Yeah same, couldn't find any useful information but was told to call. Can't since my phone is still at the apple store.
The hump seat was s factory seat. You can’t just put s hump cover on a regular seat.

Call jettrim they are the best cover you can buy. A class above hydroturf and black tip.
Agreed you want the JT cover.

I'm having buyers remorse on the hydro turf seat I just purchased, HT is nice on the GTX, but not nice enough for my gsx. Jet Trim later, maybe in another season or two, busting the budget right now trying finish it.


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I'm having buyers remorse on the hydro turf seat I just purchased, HT is nice on the GTX, but not nice enough for my gsx. Jet Trim later, maybe in another season or two, busting the budget right now trying finish it.
Honestly I like the look of it a lot though! I like the look of hyrdroturfs seat cover for the hx
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