2007 Challenger 180 with Water almost to the top

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found a challenger 180 but when I checked the motor compartment it was full of water...dont know what the guy did...i assume that it rained and the position of it was downhill and did not drained. my question...$5000 for this? less? is it even worth it? Thanks.
I drowned my engines once with the hose once. The intake got water in it, but the cylinders were dry. These motors have a unique design where all valves are closed when it's off. I'd drain it, check for water in the combustion chamber, and if dry, offer him $2500 for it if the rest is immaculate. Might need a motor. Oh, and check the oil, if water in there, it might be all rusty and have to come apart. I managed to dry my manifolds out and teh engines were okay. Some sensors could be shot, but overall, these are pretty water-tolerant engines in my experience. How long has the water been there? Any tadpoles in it yet? lol What year?
thanks for the reply...it was sad because we had high hope of getting another challenger since we sold our before moving to Okinawa. The water was dark...dont remember if it had streams of oil on the water surface, it just caught me offguard. THe boat had barnecles all over the sides and bottom and oil staining the bottom...seeweed was hanging out the intake and there was a lot of it even when sitting on the trailer. i think ill stay away unless he can gift it to me to fix it...otherwise I wont take it.
Ooof... I bet the pump needs to be rebuilt and all the hardware in there will be corroded to hell. Driveshaft will be probably fused to the carbon seal. That thing will be a basket case. Yea, tell him you'll give him a ride if you can ever fix it. It's going to be a money pit
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