1995 Spi issue

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New Member
Hey, just joined this forum and purchased a 1995 Spi last month as a summer project. I took it for a test ride and it went about 40 mph just fine, with seemingly no issues, other than a battery that needed to be charged before every use. I had the ski sitting for about 2 weeks while I was giving it a good clean, and in bottom of the hull I found a small (about 1mm) diameter hose that had come off. I did some searching, and I think it had come off of part of the carburetor on the rear side. I replaced it with a small rubber hose, which in hindsight may have had a slightly smaller interior diameter. Today, I took it to the lake for a proper test drive, and it started right up after I put in. About 50 feet off the dock, I realized I had left the fuel selector to OFF (yes I know this was very dumb) and the ski stopped running, obviously due to the lack of fuel. I switched it to the RES position (didn't have much fuel in there) and when I tried to start it, the battery needed to be jumped. I was able to start the ski again by jumping with a boat battery properly, however I was not able to go any faster than about 5 mph on full throttle, and the engine nearly stalled out. I went straight back to the dock to avoid any more potential damage. I am planning on getting a new battery, and will try to run it with that, but I'm not sure if that's the real issue. From what I can tell it looks like a fuel issue. This ski has had most of the fuel lines swapped from the gray ones, and the only things that I think would have changed from when I test drove it would be the small hose and the battery. Where should I start? Thanks so much for any help. I attached a picture of the hose I replaced(not sure if that is the exact 580 engine). Pretty sure this is an oil line.
Screen Shot 2020-04-20 at 10.37.30 PM.png
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That line is the oil injection line that supplies oil to the engine.

If you ran it with that line off you starved theat cylinder from oil and it is probably seized. This would be why then engine will not go.

You need to check the compression with a good gauge (not harbor freight) and see what damage has been done.
That line is the oil injection line that supplies oil to the engine.

If you ran it with that line off you starved theat cylinder from oil and it is probably seized. This would be why then engine will not go.

You need to check the compression with a good gauge (not harbor freight) and see what damage has been done.

Just checked the compression and it held 145 in both cylinders. The engine fires right up with a fresh battery, but after about 15 seconds in the water stalls out. It still only goes about 5mph on full throttle. Could this be a clogged carburetor? I feel like its as if there’s a maximum amount of fuel being able to be sent, regardless of throttle position.
You should rebuild the carb and fuel sustem using only Genuine parts and follow the Carb Rebuild thread at the tip of the 2-stroke PWC section.
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