17 spark 3up with ibr steering problem


I have a new to me spark with 17 hrs on it. Took it out for the first time today and I can not get it to steer to the left. It turns sharpe to the right just fine but barely goes left. Out of the water wheel straight the jet pump is slightly to the right in which have to hold wheel to left to go straight. Tried messing with the lock nut but no help. Tried to loosen cable to get it straight but can’t. What else can I be missing?
The steering cable is a cable in a sheath...the exterior sheath needs to be constrained at the steering column and the rear of the hull. If the sheath is not constrained properly the whole thing will move and not allow you to steer one way or the other....I had this issue with my 2017 Spark 2UP.

Take a look at the rear of the ski where the steering sheath/cable passes through the hull.....there should be a 2 piece locking plastic retainer that wraps around the steering sheath, the plastic retainer has a molded in ring on the inside that mates with an indent in the sheath to hold it (retained)....if the steering sheath/cable is past the retainer then that's the problem.....the 2 piece plastic retainer also holds in a couple rubber washers to form a watertight seal around the steering sheath, so don't lose those washers. The plastic retainer could also be busted which allowed the steering sheath to push past it. It is tight working quarters in there but it can be fixed without removing the jet pump (but much easier if the pump is out of the way).
I actually did figure out my problem. The adjuster was not put back on in the right place on cable. That was allowing the cable to slide inside of it. It would catch to steer right but slide and not steer left