Storing 1998 Challenger 1800 in gargage - GAS SMELL

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New Member
So i recently purchased a 1998 Challenger 1800, with the intention of storing the boat in the garage. When storing the boat, there is a definite smell of gasoline. I am not worried about ignition, more the usability of the remainder of the garage (as it is meant to be my home gym). In was wondering if anyone else had the same issue, and if so if there is anything I can do to reduce the smell (fuel lines, fuel shut offs etc). I have also put two fans in the garage (which have helped) and have just purchased a wall exhaust fan for the garage.

Thanks in Advance.
Well, this is an old carbureted boat. The carb throats will naturally give off fumes as that whole intake box isn't exactly sealed. Also, the fuel tank vents directly to atmosphere via a 5/8" hose. As the vapor in the tank warms and cools, it "breathes" and gives off those fumes. You can tape an activated charcoal cabin air filter over the vent, but those carbs will still give off vapors. Maybe you could plug the air intakes with a similar charcoal filter?
Personally, I'd be a bit put off exercising next to something so noxious. I'd at least open the door and let some fresh air in, as those fumes will be absorbed by your bloodstream in the lungs and have to be filtered out by your liver when you're huffing and puffing.
After a day or two of running you should not smell anything unless your garage is extremely warm. I would look in the bilge for any leaking gasoline, fittings or maybe a leak from the tank. Don't fool around with this.
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