Laughlin Invasion 3 JULY 8-15


New Member
Hello, once again we are getting ready for our now 3rd annual Laughlin trip.The dates are july 8th - 15th of 2012. We are looking for good fun people that enjoy pwc's boating and the water in general. There are several ways to stay u can camp at our base camp in telephone cove west, or u can stay at any of the resorts in laughlin but i would suggest harrahs resort casino as they have great parking and enjoy having our group stay there with good food as well. If u are intrested please email me direct and i will send u contact # so u can call me. I am very sorry that last year we had someone else in our group respond to post replies and i did not get them and we did not meet up i never want to have it happen again so please make sure u contact me so i can talk to you. This is the best vacation for the price if u are intrested but need watewrcraft we can set u up with a place in town that will rent them on a deal for our group. We welcome all who want to have fun and have ages from mid 20's to late 40's so as u see we welcome all. So please feel free to join the fun. Come see us on facebook as well :thumbsup::cheers:
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Yes this is july 2012

Hello just to clear up some questions the dates are July 8-15 2012. We will have people arriving all day on the 8th so we will set up a meeting time late in the day or monday am then head to water. The event and group is called Laughlin Invasion 3 on facebook hope to see everyone there.
Yeah, S/D Buddy, I kinda figured Decoy was referring to a L/I III for this year, but, I was not sure if the post was recent, albeit the posting indicated it was.

I missed L/I I because being the thrifty guy that my Significant Other call me, I tried to rebuild one of the engines on my 93 GTX's by myself and it tool longer than anticipated. If it were not for the good Doctor and SeaDooYa, the project would never had been completed.

Last year, we were ready, willing and able to head off to L/II when my liaison contact from Texas broke down enroute to the event. This time Decoy is wise to have other contact numbers.

Count me and the boss lady in.

On aside note, I deleted my FB account because of all the junk e-mail that is deployed on that site, so, if possible, please keep this Thread active.

Thank you
Surfbeat sounds great look foward to seeing u there. I will post a weekly countdown and any updates. If u want i can pm u my contact #
Greetings From CA:

Great, send me a contact number so I don't have a repeat from last year. I was coordinating everything with Mark and at the last moment I had a case that required my presence right before the weekend. I recall Mark's car broke down enroute from Texas and we lost contact after that. Since I could not get to Laughlin until Sunday and did not know where otehrs were, I aborted. I recall some were Boy Scouting and others were high rollers at Harrah's.

I am going to try to get some other family PWC's near me to take the voyage. Maybe I can get my entire band to go. We play surf music and are on the scene in Parker often during the summer.

Joey G

Joey G
Ok we are 18 weeks away time to start planning. If looking to stay all or part of time at resort harrahs has good deals but rooms filling up fast
Well we hope people are making plans we are now only 17 weeks out. Surfbeat did u get my contact number? If anyone is going to camp please let me know. I think i will go get my skis out of the the garage and start changing oil and getting them ready.

Contact number received. Where are all the PWC'ers from last year? Everyone unemployed or just lost interest?
Not that I am a person that needs a road-map, however, I recall last year Mark prepared an events schedule which set forth daily activities. Ya think such a schedule would be helpful? IMO, maybe having one would attract more players??? The little lady and I are definitely planning on going. We are going to start camping out next month.

That is the advantage of living on the west coast in contrast to Illinois. I remember when I was transferred from Yuma to Chicago in April 1980, I left Yuma wearing shorts and huraches and upon arriving in Chi town there was four inches of snow on the ground.

After two weeks of freezing my ass, I turned in my badge, got my old job back on the Border Patrol and gun and headed back west, PRONTO, without looking even once in my rear view mirror.
Yes it is still on. We are 11.5 weeks out. I am getting everything ready here. Any info needed send me a message. Hope all are getting ready. See u there i will be setting up a meet at the shell gas station across from harrahs casino entrance for monday july 9 @ 10 am
Hello we are 10 weeks out is everyone ready? I am getting there. The shell by harrahs has tons of parking they have more space for trucks and trailers and base camp is on this side anyway.
Well we are almost T minus 9 workinv on skis changed oil i. One and lubed everythingand ran it. Now it just needs wash and wax. Three more to go. And then there is the tow vehicle. Woww i got some work to do.its all worth it.
I need some help.. i have a 2001 seadoo gtx DI and need to pull the engine out. Engine is loose except the drive shaft! how do i get that off??
You have to remove the jet pump. You can get the manual on this site. The task is not difficult removing it, maybe 1/2 to 3/4 hour, however, installing it can be a problem if you don;t have an alignment too.
To The Exulted Leader Of The Mystic Knights of the Sea Lodge, AKA Laughlin Invasion PWC's III:

Last year while commiserating with Mark I made a suggestion to him to solicit information from the participants as to what type of daily excursions participants would like to partake upon and from that inquiry post the suggestions, then later draft a schedule.

I know the LI III is not a planned military excursion and is for fun in the sun only, so, please don't read this post as an endeavor to a recommendation to plan a rigid schedule. My suggestion is quite the opposite.

In fact, my only reason for making the suggestion is to enable readers of this Thread to see an event is being planned that has a myriad of activities that they may enjoy.

Of course, being a former First Sgt. with an MP company, maybe I miss my daily rigid schedule. lol

Whatever, please take my suggestion as it is intended, a helpful suggestion and nothing more.
First hello everyone, we are just under 8 weeks out hope everyone is getting excited. Hi surfbeat ok here is how we have done it in the past. We have one major planned ride from base camp to hoover dam and back as of now we are shooting for Wednesday as that daybut are leavi.g open the possiof running it on tuesday in event weather is not looking good for wednsday. Other than that we leave it open as we are on vaca and want to get away from schedules. Every morniung we all meet up at base to start the day those that stay at hotel bring fresh ice for coolers. Then usually people start going out for fides and exploring and people come and go all day. And we do set up a dinner at mohjave steak house for the group to do othere than that we ride on and off and swim and enjoy catching up on what has happened in our friends life's over the year. Please feel free to bring up anything.
Hello again well i hope all are getting ready it is just around the corner now. I have not heard much from anyone on here of late.??? Well please message me to let me know if and who is going. It looks as so we will have some people around on sunday late morning so we can start to meet up if anyone wants to but official meet and greet will be Monday 10 am at shell across from harrahs casino. I will next update just before i hit the road Friday night late from illinois.
Well i hope we still have some of u going have not had any replies from any of late??? Well looks like 8-10 are coming just from pwc today forums. Please take a minute. To confirm your going and how many please thanks