
  1. M

    2007 rxp 215 Paint help

    Hi guys, i need help getting the correct pain code for my 2007 rxp 215, picture attached. I found 2 paint codes: BRP B176 Viper Red And Sea-Doo Fiery Red B509 which one is the correct one? Please help thank you!
  2. L

    2007 230 Challenger SE Gelcoat Color

    I am looking to repair a few marks in the navy blue gelcoat on my new to me 2007 230 Challenger SE. Does anyone happen to have any information on the navy blue color used on this hull? I have contacted Spectrum, Gelcote International, and BRP to obtain color codes, names etc and no one seems...
  3. Gdgough12


    So, i Just bought a 1997 Seadoo XP 800:D. Been wanting this project for a LONG time, finally found one for the right price! my goal is to COMPLETELY tear it down & restore the Ski! the problem him having is figuring out the right paint/epoxy or whatever combo to use! i want to use my paint gun...
  4. R9621

    Seadoo Sportster resto)))

    Hi guys. I got a Sportster 96 with a new 4-stroke 1.8 Yamaha engine, which was installed 2 years ago in the official Yamaha service. I plan to repaint the body. Refresh stickers. Renew seats. I also want to order a hydro terf. (by the way, tell me who knows which one is suitable, maybe link or...
  5. Luther567

    RESTO 99 GSX RFI resto, Budget roll on Paint with Pigment and glitter. Long thread.

    I picked up a 1999 GSX RFI off a guy I worked with at the beginning of 2019 for 700$, i knew it needed a Stator but at 700$ I couldn't resist. First thing I noticed was I definitely did NOT have an RFI, but a carbureted 787... Long story short, the Stator was fired and the trigger coil was just...
  6. S

    Power Washing Rotax Engine

    So I am in the process of rebuilding and cleaning my seadoo. I have removed the engine to make my life a little easier, but I noticed that it appears someone painted over the entire engine (I can see patches of the original paint. Every-time I touch the engine, paint chips get everywhere. I...
  7. wakefj

    Painted my Challenger 180 hull

    The hull graphics have been showing their age on my 2006 Challenger 180. Replacing them was going to be expensive and eventually the new graphics would get beat-up as well during docking. So I did some research and decided to paint the hull to make it look like the hulls on the newer Sea Doo...
  8. Zadriel

    Yellow Paint for 97 GTI? Where to get?

    Hey guys, where can I pick up a good color match for the yellow paint on my 1997 GTI? You can see them in my icon pic by my name. I really need just to touch up a couple of spots and would prefer that to repainting everything. Also, I'm not sure, but this looks more like paint to me than...
  9. 4Play

    Customize trailer?

    Has anyone painted their galvanized steel wheels or frames of their trailer? I'd like to spray paint the centers of the wheels black but I know painting galvanized steel is very tricky to work with. I was wondering if anybody had done anything like this on here? Thanks
  10. Brholwer

    Plastidip front hood on 96 xp?

    would it work to plastidip the front of a 96 xp? and would it hold up with all the water? i have used platidip plenty of times before on my car just not my seadoo.
  11. H

    Please help me chose Decals

    Hello Every one i been rebuilding my Seadoo Speedster 1998 sines 3month now new engines , new housing ,new interior , extra will post latter what i have don now i just Finish the body paint job and i just redesign the Decals my self i could find good one online and they very expansive ...
  12. brandon32689

    fixing my hood, ideas?

    i took my hood off my gsx and want to remove the mirrors i took them off, but now what can i use to fill in the 2 lil holes on both sides any ideas at all, i could put like a decal on both sides, but then water may get in but i dont think it matters but could be wrong, any ideas please shoot...
  13. brandon32689

    Seadoo GSX questions? ?

    hey so i just took the seadoo rxdi i bought back because the compression was low, guy took all the money back, and then i found a 1998 seadoo gsx in good shape so went ahead and got it, the engine is in great shape and not a drip of standing water in hull runs great and has even compression, got...
  14. R

    Refurb 1997 GTS - Painting opportunity

    New to the forum and that I didn’t know existed. Awesome site with a lot of talent around that I wish I had. I can only change the battery and spark plugs. My brother and I have twin 1992 GTS models with mechanical issues. The bodies are in excellent shape. We also have a 2001 GTX. My brother...
  15. Crazyjoey83

    Sticky black dotted handlebar pad fix

    Was looking in old posts about handlebar pad replacement and came across the Sticky handlebar pad cover 95GTX post from about a year ago. Decided it was worth a shot for my 1995 XP I just bought that was sitting outside in a barn for a few years getting caked on with dirt. Basically to make my...