exhaust hose

  1. C

    Seadoo GSX exhaust hose Interchangeable?

    Hey Guys, I have a little part issue with my Seadoo GSX 787 RFI 1999. I am looking for a exhaust hose (OEM: 274000725). This part is very expensive for me because the shipping coasts to Germany. So I found an exhaust hose for a newer model. I think it’s for the Seadoo GTX SSI 2001 (OEM of the...
  2. RogerS

    Exhaust Coupler Replacement

    Noticed my exhaust pipe rubber coupler was cracked and very dry from overheated engine before the rebuilt. I just bought a “automotive” cooling rubber hose and cut to the lenght i need for a temporary use and testing. Try at the lake and have no problem (so far) Any opinion about this? Can I...
  3. benlarsen

    97xp leaks and bogs!!

    I just bought a 97xp with 15 hours on it and the guy said it ran perfect when I bought it. I took it out for the first time and let it warm up for a couple minutes and tried to go but it kept bogging. I could slowly accelerate if I was careful and then it would start going. After a few minutes I...
  4. benlarsen

    97xp leaks and bogs!!

    I just bought a 97xp with 15 hours on it and the guy said it ran perfect when I bought it. I took it out for the first time and let it warm up for a couple minutes and tried to go but it kept bogging. I could slowly accelerate if I was careful and then it would start going. Adter a few minutes I...
  5. J

    98 xp ltd Blown exhaust hose help

    I went out on the lake yesterday and the ski ran great for the first 30 mins, until i noticed the top end was gone and started smoking from inside. Opened it up and had blown a hole in the front exhaust hose from the stinger to the straight pipe. I am trying to figure out why it did this so I...
  6. R

    Almost Sunk On 1st Ride: Open to Possible Solutions/Suggestions???

    Yesterday I took out my recently purchased 05 rxp (93 hrs/ riva: intake grate, free flow exhaust, air intake, metal washers @ 91 hrs) . After clearing the booeys not even a quarter mile out after hitting the throttle hard my sensor came on for engine temperature at 86 degrees which isn't hot @...
  7. P

    96 Challenger 787 Exhaust hose burning up

    Guys, I baught this 96 Challenger and it had no power at all, I looked at all kind of stuff(I checked the RAVEs, I had to fixe one and adjusted them both as per the book, flush to the top, replaced plugs for iridiums, compression is ~150, cleaned spark arrester) and realised it had to do with...