Any good lakes in Central Florida?

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I am planning a camping trip to Ocala National Forest in February and I was wondering if there are any good lakes in the area to run my Seadoo. Also, what are the lake temps like that time of year?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

I just camped. The high temps were in the low 50s and the lows were in the 20s that week. If I go back this summer I will try Lake Harris.
I heard its awsome there. The chain of lakes has several locks that you can drive through. I will get there myself sometime this summer. I am not sure where I will stay, but I live in Tampa and might make it a day trip. Should be a great day exploring the lakes. I have SeaTow and they told me about it, so to get info all I have to do is call them and they are like a personal tour guide.
I've never ridden through a lock before, that would be fun. I'm getting anxious up here in Georgia with this long winter. My lake temp is only 57 degrees. Last year we were out in mid-April, this year it may be May before we ride, unless I can't wait and decide to head south.
too cold

Here you are just trying to get to Central Florida, where its considerably warmer than where you are which is not that far north, and here I am trying to get to South Florida where it feels like the true tropics. It's no wonder this state is slammed packed with snowbirds 6 months out of the year. I really don't blame them one bit. And when they really give up everything to stay through the whole summer, they just run from the AC'd car to the AC'd house/condo/mall or restaraunt. I tell ya, it couldn't have been a worse year for those kooks to meet in Copenhgen to try to cook some science on Global Warming, and empty the rich countries treasures into the hands of the crooked pirate countries who would not clen up their act one bit, I am hating this freezing winter and want it to warm up now.