Search results

  1. JoeStrange

    At my wits end, 787 problems

    The first thing I thought when you said "it will sometimes only accelerate to 5000-5250 rpms and hold there for a few seconds" was your cavatating. On second thought, check your rectifier because that will causing strange intermittent problems directly affecting the way it runs and its known...
  2. JoeStrange

    Summers Over - Now What

    Im with ya buddy, past few summers been suckin it, HARD. Contemplating selling them skis!
  3. JoeStrange

    Trip to Lake Michigan with my 96 XP's (Video)

    Hey guys I just finished editing and posting my new video, check it out if you have a second!
  4. JoeStrange

    Michigan Here

    I'm adding my Email so people who see this and want to ride can hit me up. eadoobuddy - White Lake Township- Cedar Island Lake rifett - Grand Haven L_C99 - Upper Peninsula Big_V - Grand Rapids - Lk. Michigan JWLogsdon - Temperance - Lk Erie fskcramer - Martin near Grd Rapids Krhocqua...
  5. JoeStrange

    Happy 4th! 96 XP died and stranded me at sea.

    2 years ago was the best! There was a day in July that I was pulling my skis out of a 40 acre lake at 10:15pm & the temp was 98 degrees, the water temp was 93 degrees. Last year sucked, very mild and this year the same so far, but thats normal Michigan summers. I personally would like Florida...
  6. JoeStrange

    Has anybody dealt with this EBay seller?

    That is awesome ^^^ Im surprised no one has said anything sense your post, This started to turn into quite the controversy LOL.
  7. JoeStrange

    Happy 4th! 96 XP died and stranded me at sea.

    if you going for 80s only its a 3 month season. June, July and August. You will get a few hot ones in September though too.
  8. JoeStrange

    Happy 4th! 96 XP died and stranded me at sea.

    I was being sarcastic guys. All 6 bolts holding the mag to the flywheel broke off and danced around inside the mag before finally seizing themselves against the stator,thats where all the metal shavings (chunks of bolt) came from. As you can see from the picture the other halves of the mag...
  9. JoeStrange

    Happy 4th! 96 XP died and stranded me at sea.

    Thanks for the help guys. I went ahead and fixed the pin and cleaned the connector, plugged it back in with a fresh fuse in the MPEM andddddddd............. no spark, but it didnt blow the fuse again. So I went ahead and pulled the stator cover and It looks perfectly normal, I cant imagine...
  10. JoeStrange

    Happy 4th! 96 XP died and stranded me at sea.

    Anyone know if theres a tutorial on how to disassemble that stator plug? I think i'm going to try and solder the wire back on the pin.
  11. JoeStrange

    Happy 4th! 96 XP died and stranded me at sea.

    Long story short, 4th of July I go out on Lake Huron for a 40 mile ride, I only make it 27 miles. At one point while riding I heard a loud abrupt noise that sounded like I hit something floating in the water, I never identified the sound but I kept riding for 8 miles...
  12. JoeStrange

    Michigan area "destination/long" rides

    Those are fantastic pictures and your welcome! Let me know ahead of time when your going out there and the wife and I might join you. Also if you need any advice regarding the 96 XP I have been through the ringer and know a lot about them.
  13. JoeStrange

    Michigan area "destination/long" rides

    Great picture! It really makes it look small but when you get out there on an X4 you will almost definitely be the one feeling small. Its 7 miles from metro beach ski launch to gull island which I can see both from your aerial picture.
  14. JoeStrange

    Michigan area "destination/long" rides

    I have crossed St Clair on a 96 XP on a perfect day in early September and once you get out into the blue (When the water actually starts to look blue) you can count on 1 to 3ft seas. Like I said thats on a perfect day with little to no wind and lots on lake traffic. I have also rode from...
  15. JoeStrange

    SE Michigan meet and ride this summer

    You can count my wife and I in if there's a date well before the ride so we can get a sitter.
  16. JoeStrange

    Michigan Here

    Definitely!!! I cant wait to ride!!!
  17. JoeStrange

    Has anybody dealt with this EBay seller?

    He wants to be found, He posts his info for everyone to see, Its a business. And to what the users here at Seadooforum are doing is earning this guy business by posting his info. This guy is in my back yard and I had no idea until this post. I emailed him and he agreed to replace my Dess...
  18. JoeStrange

    Just had a disappointing trip

    You win some and you lose some. I drove from Clarkston out to Gary,IN and got a hell of a deal on my 96 XP 800s and he started them both right up when I got there and started pointing out everything that was wrong with them to give me a head start on bringing them back to 100%, I was lucky...
  19. JoeStrange

    Michigan Here

    I would definitely be down to go out to St. Clair. with you next season, Lake Erie is a lot of fun too. Any where there's waves is where I'm trying to ride. Stay in touch.
  20. JoeStrange

    Michigan Here

    Yep, I spotted the hot weather last week and have been eye balling it ever sense. Plan is to drop the kids off at school at 9 then head straight out. Where you headed? Im only going to take half the day off, was thinking Cass and ride till like 2 then head to work.